
Thursday, July 29, 2010

CEiMB -- Mango Lassi

This week's CEiMB recipe was Mango Lassi. I was excited about this recipe for a few reasons. One, it looked pretty simple, which was perfect for a weeknight. Two, I love anything remotely like a fruit shake. I've been known to stare, and possibly drool, at the McDonald's strawberry banana smoothie ads. Mmmm smoothie. And three, I caught part of a segment on the Dr. Oz show about how to slow down aging and they discussed how mangoes were great for gum health. My gums could use some help, especially with a dentist appointment next week [shudder].

Since I was home alone, I decided to half the recipe. Other than that, I tried to follow the recipe as it was written (which you can find here). Ingredient #1 was--surprise--mango. I decided to peel the mango before cutting off as much fruit as I could around the pit. After choppin' up the mango, time for a ride in the blender. I pureed the mango on it's own first.

Hey, look, my blender matches my coffee maker!

Once the mango was pureed, I added in plain yogurt (vanilla might have been tasty as well), ice, and honey. Then it was time for more blending. However, my blender had other things in mind and stopped working--what a diva! Luckily, most of the ice was crushed and the mango lassi was pretty frothy.

Here's the final result:
You can see some of the bigger ice pieces floating around. Due to my blender malfunction, it wasn't mixed enough and I could taste the honey separately from the yogurt separately from the mango. I let it sit for a bit while watching an episode of "The Next Food Network Star" and it tasted MUCH better! I would definitely make it again, but I might try subbing in vanilla yogurt for the plain. And get a new blender.


  1. That glass has such a pretty shape to it...and perfect for the drink, looks elegant and sophisticated! (This from someone who was going to just pour it into the Flintstone glasses for the kids here until I remembered that everyone was going to see it and I needed a photo for the blog...whew, that was close!) Your photos are great!

  2. I want to try it with peaches. Someone did and it looked and sounded great.

    IF that glass is from a set, you have beautiful glasses.

  3. Welcome to CEiMB!

    What a beautiful lassi! I never would have noticed the chunks. I came so close to using vanilla yogurt but stuck with plain in the end, but I think vanilla would be terrific. Thanks for, uh, blending with me this week!

  4. Looks delicious!

  5. I need to try that McDonalds smoothie..the ads look so good.

  6. Your gum comment cracked me up! When I think of aging, I think of wrinkles, flab, etc. not my gums. But I should - you are right - they are so important too. And. . I love Dr. Oz! LOVE him! I've also heard mangoes are an aphrodisiac. There's something to think about! Great job on yours!

  7. Great job on your lassi. It was so good. I can't wait to try it with peaches, papaya ..oh what else?... It was so good.
