
Thursday, August 26, 2010

Bacon Shrimp Pasta

I promised my husband I would cook dinner, but I didn't feel like making anything complex or involved me going to the grocery store. I looked in my kitchen and saw that I had turkey bacon, shrimp, pasta, and a can of diced tomatoes. Hmm, I told myself, this could work out.

I started off by cooking up the turkey bacon while I boiled water for pasta. As you can see from the picture, some of the bacon got a little extra heat love from the pan. Definitely still good enough to use.

In the former bacon pan, I added in a can of diced tomatoes, salt, pepper, garlic powder, and shrimp.

After the shrimp cooked until pink and added in about half of the turkey bacon, which I crumbled after it cooled. I then drained my pasta and added it into the pan.

To serve, I topped the pasta off with more bacon crumbles and freshly grated parmesan cheese. It turned out pretty well. Even though it pains me to say it, the dish could have used some more vegetables. I think spinach would have been pretty good here, but I'm sure there's some other veggie out there just waiting for me to try it out.

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